How to Find your Apple Watch

It happens to all of us, whether it slipped between the couch cushions or mysteriously vanished into thin air, we’ve got your back. How to find your Apple Watch is easy, all you need is your iPhone.

How to find my Apple Watch

Time needed: 5 minutes

Follow these steps on how to find your Apple Watch

  1. Open the “Find My” App on Your iPhone

    To begin, unlock your iPhone and head straight to the “Find My” app. It’s a lifesaver when it comes to locating all your Apple devices.How to find Apple Watch Find My App shortcut

  2. Select Your Apple Watch from the List of Devices

    Identify your Apple Watch from the list and tap on it to select it.

  3. Tap on “Play Sound” to Have Your Watch Make Some Noise

    This nifty feature instructs your watch to emit a distinctive sound, making it easier for you to locate.How to find Apple Watch

  4. Listen Closely and Locate Your Watch

    Follow the sound, and you’ll be led straight to your watch.
    If you can’t hear it at first, don’t fret. Try moving around the room and listen for the sound’s direction. Your Apple Watch is clever enough to keep chiming until you find it or manually turn off the sound on your iPhone.How to find Apple Watch, watch emitting sound

  5. Optional Bonus Tip: Enable Haptic Feedback

    For those times when you misplace your Apple Watch in silent mode or just can’t hear the sound, you can enable haptic feedback. This feature makes your watch vibrate, allowing you to feel its location. To enable haptic feedback, simply tap on “Enable” under “Haptic.”

And there you have it! With these simple steps and the power of the “Find My” app, you can quickly reunite with your Apple Watch, even in the trickiest of hiding spots.

In conclusion, finding your Apple Watch doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With the “Find My” app and the right steps, you can have your beloved smartwatch back on your wrist in no time. So, next time your Apple Watch decides to play hide-and-seek, remember this guide and save yourself the stress. Happy tracking!


How do I find my Apple Watch without the app?

Mute your iPhone and have someone dial your phone number, this should make your Apple Watch start ringing.

Can Apple Watch be tracked without iPhone?

You can use the “Find My” app from your Mac too!

What to do if you have lost your Apple Watch?

Mark as Lost in the “Find My” app on your iPhone. You can send it a custom message with your phone number. So if someone finds your Apple Watch, they’ll know how to contact you.
How to find Apple Watch mark as lost